Thursday, March 14, 2013

Archie Makes Me Happy

So just the other day, I went to National Bookstore at Mango Ave. with my mom to look for some law books. I love going to this place even though there's really nothing to buy there at times. Still, I usually end up getting some little random things like a cute ballpen perhaps or a girly post-it whenever I drop by this place. 

I had the names of the books I needed in my list and fortunately, they were all availble. I got them in no time at all but as expected, my mom was not done yet browsing through the shelves so I got myself busy too, checking out some novels and all. It was when I got near the counter when I saw them - the second book of the 'The Best of Archie Comics' all piled neatly in a side shelf. I couldn't contain my glee upon seeing them. I've been an avid fan ever since I was a child and had a number of their issues myself. This version though is a compilation of their bestselling stories in a book-type format. I seldom buy their comics anymore as personally, I think P199 for a double-digest is a bit much. My collection's mainly made up of those given to me as gifts while the rest was bought during a sale (still at National Bookstore about five years ago) where they were sold for P88/double-digest. So yes, this book-type format is a welcome addition as at their state, I think P399/book is manageable (though my mom thinks it's still nonsense.. lol.. what can i say, I definitely lalalove reading Archie:).

And here they are, the books 1 and 2 of The Best of Archie Comics:

Book 1 @ P399

Book 2 @ P399

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